Circumstantial Oddities

I experienced an immense number of synchronicities through my emotional development last year.  Of course, I’ve noticed the occasional coincidence here and there throughout my life, but never before had I noticed so many in such a short period.  It was super weird and freaked me the fuck out, but only at first.  I started reading into this whole universal awakening and became more comfortable about them happening.  I haven’t been so inundated since last year, but they still happen.

Just a little over a week ago I wished a friend and his girlfriend well on their upcoming trip as I thought they were leaving before me.  A few texts later revealed my friend and I purchased tickets for the same flight out of Austin to layovers in London.  May I remind you we live in Houston.  Yeah, this is the sort of thing that isn’t even weird to me anymore.  In fact, I felt elated that someone I knew was suddenly accompanying me most of the way to Madrid!  Additionally amusing; we’ve inadvertently stalked each other over the past 8 years finding ourselves in the same neighborhoods through 3 moves around the city.  We have good taste?
We boarded the plane and I went the 10 rows behind my friend and his girl to find my window seat taken by a small child.  In friendly confusion, I told the woman sitting next to the child, “Hi, that’s my seat.”  The mother amicably replied, “We want to sit together, we’re a family,” and pointed at her and the other child next to her.  Although I was annoyed with how she thought herself entitled to plop a kid in a seat -I reserved, for the record- without asking, I didn’t want to be an ass to a mom who wanted to sit with her children.  I smiled and told her it was no problem and sat in the middle section where one of them was supposed to be.  It didn’t take long to realize these two other children on the other side of me were also hers. The bitch duped me and I was sitting in the middle of them all.  Anger escalated ever quicker when the kids started passing things to each other over my head.  Not today, Satan, not for 9 hours!  I asked a stewardess if it was a full flight and, thankfully, it wasn’t.  I waited for all of the passengers to board before making a move, but these people didn’t waste time on prime real estate.  A guy two rows ahead scooped up my targeted seat.  I was texting my friend all the while about my unfortunate circumstance until he said there’s an open window seat up here.  Sold!

It was one guy with a row to himself and he didn’t mind my taking the window.  We got to chatting about travel and I mentioned my friend, who found this vacant seat for me, and his girl were on their way to Norway.  This guy was visiting Barcelona for the nth time, but then heading to Norway for the first time a few days later.  After I finished telling him I quit my job and what I was up to he told me just that morning his best friend turned in his resignation planning to leave for Central America in a few weeks to study Spanish.  I think this was a coincidence he needed since he also mentioned desiring a change himself but felt uncertain about leaving employment for a hiatus abroad.  We chatted for a while longer before taking a break to try to sleep.  An hour past trying it just wasn’t happening for me, so I selected a movie for entertainment.  My heart palpitated briefly when the main character was called by the same name of the guy next to me.  While I don’t discredit the fact that lots of people travel all over the world for leisure or to study every day, and his was not an unusual name by any means, these are the sort of instances that make me wonder what’s really at play.  (Is it you, Carl Jung?)  The fact that this felt meaningful will help me to remember the conversation and connection I made with some cool guy I wasn’t even supposed to sit next to… or was I fated to sit in 11A all along?